One of the great questions that I get almost every month is "What should I bring to class for our 2nd week.?"
It is always wise to follow your Course book under the heading"Getting Ready For Lesson 2."
Now, to make it easier for you and so that you dont have to worry about running out of anything, such as icing, and to make you feel more comfortable in what you bring, I decided to share with you what I use to bring to class. I always used more than what was expected so I devised this little list plus the items listed in my book.
#1 2 Batches of Butter Cream Icing to practice techniques in class.
#2 2 Batches of thin icing to frost my cake at home (The instructor always and will always go over this in class, but I tried anyway at home.)
#3 NO BATH TOWEL!!!!! A table Cloth instead is much more polite and respectable to everyone sharing your table, I found that not many people would go out and purchase a NEW bath size towel and just for sanitary reasons I found that leaving those at home is more appropriate.
#4 A Medium size mixing bowl to mix Colors in, the small just did not do the job and made a sloshing mess when liquid was added. The bowl was much easier and nicer to mix in.
#5 In the course book it is required to bring a 8"x3" high cake, I find that a 8"x4" high is much more professional. Especially after decorating, with a boarder and trim it tends to shrink.
# 6 With the extra cake batter,I made my 6 cupcakes which I would need for my third week of class. let them cool completely and placed them in a gallon Ziploc baggie and put them in the freezer until I would need them, at that time i took them out 24hrs in advance and let them come to room temp. By doing this, I only had to cook that one time.
I hope these notes will help you as much as they have me and I will see you in class.
"The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric