Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Live!!! Online Class: 'Holiday French Macaron"

E. W. Cake Designs
Holiday French Macaron Class

Only $20.00
Hosted by: "The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric

Chef Eric will show you a quick and easy way to create this specialty french cookie and share ideas that he teaches in his classes. You will be able to as questions as this class is being taught, as if you were right there in the kitchen with him.

Day: Saturday
Date: December 15th 2012
Time: 10am
Place: Live Online
Price: $20.00

Live Online Class
NOTE: Once payment is received your confirmation and itinerary will be email to you with your final instructions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Special Invitation To:
"An Easy Way To Smooth Buttercream"

This class is classified as a special priced class.

Live Online Exclusive!!!!

"The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric
will show you his techniques to get a smooth texture on your buttercream cakes.

Join E.W. Cake Designs & "The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric for this class.

Day: Saturday
Date: December 1st 2012
Time: 10am
Place: Live Online
Price: $20.00

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Do Classes have a prerequisite? And why should I take pictures of my cakes?

Absolutely not. All classes that I teach are 
specifically design for that course 
or that class.

You must not be intimidated when signing up for or
 taking my classes. We are 
here to show design ideas and techniques.
 Your creation
 comes from your 
innovative ideas and creativity. I can only
 inspire you to bring out the art 
that you want to display. 

My classes should be fun and informative. 

I am always excited, just as you are to see your
 creations. Also the joy on your 
face sends thousands of messages. This is what we
 strive for in my classes.

Take pictures of all of your work and think of it as 
journal, a portfolio. 
No matter how much you may think the product it is not
 to your standards there is a good 
percentage that there is something on that project
 that you Like and will need 
later. It is just a form of a cook book, some
 recipes you will like others you 
just might skip over but you still have the 
ingredients for all recipes. Giving 
you a choice as to what you may want to do.

Always understand that your artwork, your cake,is 
your work and you should be in 
control of it at all times. I highly suggest never
 letting someone dictate to 
you how your craft or art should be displayed.
 In this instance I would walk away, this is according
 to the situation. I have always my saying
 "Your last cake could possibly be your last cake." 
 Meaning what the consumer
 sees is what they will relate to you, weather is good 
are bad.So I would highly suggest staying in the
 direction of 
This is some information related to me early in my
 and now I am able to share this with you.
Who am I?
Why I am
"The Cake Craftier" 

No Show/No Call

 No Show/No Call 
I must say that  I write this with much regret,
 but it seems that it is much needed.Lately there has 
been a stream of no call no shows.
It  is common courtesy 
to call someone that is expecting
 you if you are not going to be able to attend. This
 allows everyone to make arrangements to accommodate all
 those who are involved.
 Keep in mind,
 sometimes those involved could perhaps
 be traveling a distance to meet with you. 
Technology has allowed us to do many things in this day
 and age (i. e. a letter being delivered by horse 
and buggy to a simple phone
 call.)Also by not calling you could possibly be 
 your right to make up that particular session. 
 I always suggest good business practice because
 you never know who's watching and who you might need later.
 A bad reputation could
 easily lead to a failed business.As for me, you always
 have access to contact me
 with any questions or concerns.
 Good Luck 
Who am I? 
Why I am "The Cake Craftier"

Wilton Demo/Open House Themed "A Wedding Event" Spring 2012

"The Cake Craftier" Wilton Demo/Open House Themed "A Wedding Event" Spring 2012

Before I start to write the review of my 2012 spring "A Wedding Event"
Review. I would like to thank all of you that came out and participated. Your 
support means the world to me and is greatly appreciated. I would have never 
guessed that this career would bring me the joy it has over the years. 

Now for the review & highlights.

"A Wedding Event" Spring 2012
Chef Eric's Review

Saturday, May 19th 2012
Was my annual "A Wedding Event" at Michael's Arts & Crafts Store in Lancaster, 
California. This 2hr event was held from 1pm-2pm.

As the day started I was highly energized with the excitement to show off so 
many inspired ideas one can gain from using the Wilton Method and their own
 imagination. Many of the 
techniques was used to design and make these unique art pieces come to life. 

As the crowd gathered, the anticipation spread throughout the store . I could 
hear the crowd whispering, "What is he going to do?", "What is going on here 

Making my way to the demonstration table it was a pleasure to see all of you as 
well as well as my old and new decorators/students. Some took the time to traveled
 two-three hours to attend. 

This demo I decided to try something new, I pulled audience member, Marrissa
(my Chef du Jour) up to join me at the demonstration table to show how fun & easy
 the Wilton techniques can be. 

This turned out to be one of the best things I could have added. We could not 
stop laughing and entertaining everyone. Also it made for a great connection to you, 
the audience.Questions was asked and answers and ideas was given. Those are 
always the makings for an awesome demo. 

Review the behind the scene photographs and enjoy some of
 what was experienced there.
Chef explains how to use some of Wilton's new equipment

"The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric & Chef du Jour Marrissa

Approximately 60 to & 70 people attended 2012 this event

A display of Wilton's products used in this event

Elsie make her way to the front to receive her prizes that included one free 4 week course & the course kit to match

"The Cake Craftier " Chef Eric explains using certian tools will create a more precise product

This table was set to show and give ideas as to how easy a Wedding table scape can be

A captivated  audience listened attentively
 Customers was able to join classes for half the regular, that's 50% off the 
regular price of $45.00 and also as an added bonus take 50% off all class kits. 
That would equal in the area of only $40.00. Personally I think that's a great 

This demo was absolutely astounding and fun,fun,fun. I am so proud of all of 

To sum up the days experience, it was all an event to be remembered and I can't wait
 to see you all at the next grand event.

For more information on taking classes from Chef Eric or for questions and 
concerns please feel free to contact me, Chef Eric at or 323-683-2364 or E. W. Cake Designs at

Keep decorating,

Who am I 
Why I am 
"The Cake Craftier"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tips From: "The Cake Craftier"

                              Why Do You (Wilton Instructors) Use Students Supplies?

Not very often does this question arise in my classes, but I do feel that this is a genuine question and deserves a much valid answer.

As Wilton Method Instructors, and I will try to simplify this as much as I can, we are put into accounts, (i.e Michaels Arts & Crafts Stores), to show students and consumers how to use our products. In our classes we are allowed to use student supplies while demonstrating Wilton's successful techniques. 

Try to keep in mind when taking our classes that Wilton is a very established company and has been delivering their Methods of teachings for 35 years and have broken many records. Meaning that the Wilton Method works.

  You may copy and paste this link for more detail on our 35yrs of teaching:

Instructors are highly trained to convey posture and techniques to the decorator.  We train several times a year and always have access to information between our Wilton supervisors, fellow instructor's, university and much more.

  In our classes we discuss, practice and review techniques. As we are using students supplies it confirms that the decorator/ student can do the same technique  using their own equipment. Think of it as a statement saying( "Yes you can do this too!!! ).

Instructors show and explain the how to's then allows the decorator to a brief practice of that particular technique then  it is always the decorators job to practice at home allowing any questions to be answered at the next meeting. Keeping in mind we are totally different from any of the culinary institutes. That would be like comparing apples to oranges.

  Our system of teaching comes from a curriculum created for and by Wilton's own specially  trained team to create specialized classes to be taught at specific accounts.  Any instructors graciously giving that extra touch is to be commended on their extra efforts, but the Wilton way is the only way in class. Instructors are always on hand to help with your projects.

I do hope this explains a bit more in detail as to how we share our Method with you. Wilton always welcomes your suggestions and as far as I can see all suggestions are reviewed and taken into consideration.  If you feel that this article is unclear please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to continue this discussion with you.

Who Am I?
Why I am
"The Cake Craftier" or

This site is sponcered and owned by E.W. Cake Designs

Sunday, March 25, 2012

E W Cake Designs 2012 Class Schedule

Remember always email or call to make sure class is still scheduled.

To sign up simply log on to our web site, and go to the CLASSES PAGE, choose the catagory & number of hours your class will be and click the appropriate ADD TO CART button. Follow the directions as they appear. You may also contact Chef Eric at 323-683-2364 and you will be assisted with your sign up by phone.

Please make sure to include your full name, email address & contact number when signing up for a class. All of these class are being sponcered by and held on Min Pin Ranch.

Your information packet will be sent to you via email, this will include your syllabus and direction to your class.

The catagory below is HANDS-ON CLASSES


28th Elegant Cake Pop Making Class (4hr)

5th A Birds Nest (2hr)
12th The Quilting Class (4hr)
26th The Rose Class Pt 1 (2hr)

2nd Topsy-Turvy Class (2hr)
9th Rose Class Pt2 (2hr)
16th 3-D Purse Class (4hr)
23rd The Bow Making Class (2hr)
30th The Floral Filler Class (4hr)

7th Fun Characters Class (4hr)
14th Fondant Seminar (8hr)
28th Elegant Cookies Class (2hr)

4th Elegant Cake Pop Making Class (4hr)
11th 3-D Heads Class (4hr)
18th The Lily Class (2hr)
25th The Rose Class Pt1 (2hr)

1st Fondant Seminar (8hr)
15th The Rose Class Pt2 (2hr)
29th 3-D Halloween Goblin Heads (4hr)

6th Elegant Chocolate Candy Class (2hr)
13th The Pumpkin Centerpiece Class (4hr)
20th Elegant Cake Pop Making Class (4hr)
27th 3-D Goblin Heads (4hr)

3rd Chocolate Ornaments Class (4hr)
17th The Pumpkin Centerpiece Class (4hr)

1st Cake: "A Peaceful Christmas" (4hr)
8th 3-D Old World Santa (4hr)
15th "A Christmas Santa" (A Character
Class) (2hr)
22nd Christmas Cookie Class (2hr)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"The Cake Craftier" This 2012 Year

You asked and we listened. More to offer you and this year promises to be amazing. New New New lots of New Things to keep you informed. I know you all are ready to hear but it is being kept under close wraps for now because the launch will be nice so just hang in there and dont give up. Remember follow me on twitter cause you know I like to give secrets and I tend to release them there first when I get the news.

E W Cake Designs has also been added to Facebook, keep sending those request because we all love to hear from you.


Wilton Course 4 is starting up and it looks to be a good one make sure you all sign up for My, Chef Eric's Class which starts in February 2012. All simple easy to do Gum Paste Flowers.

"The Cake Craftier"

Ask "The Cake Craftier" What Should I bring To Class

One of the great questions that I get almost every month is "What should I bring to class for our 2nd week.?"

It is always wise to follow your Course book under the heading"Getting Ready For Lesson 2."

Now, to make it easier for you and so that you dont have to worry about running out of anything, such as icing, and to make you feel more comfortable in what you bring, I decided to share with you what I use to bring to class. I always used more than what was expected so I devised this little list plus the items listed in my book.

#1 2 Batches of Butter Cream Icing to practice techniques in class.

#2 2 Batches of thin icing to frost my cake at home (The instructor always and will always go over this in class, but I tried anyway at home.)

#3 NO BATH TOWEL!!!!! A table Cloth instead is much more polite and respectable to everyone sharing your table, I found that not many people would go out and purchase a NEW bath size towel and just for sanitary reasons I found that leaving those at home is more appropriate.

#4 A Medium size mixing bowl to mix Colors in, the small just did not do the job and made a sloshing mess when liquid was added. The bowl was much easier and nicer to mix in.

#5 In the course book it is required to bring a 8"x3" high cake, I find that a 8"x4" high is much more professional. Especially after decorating, with a boarder and trim it tends to shrink.

# 6 With the extra cake batter,I made my 6 cupcakes which I would need for my third week of class. let them cool completely and placed them in a gallon Ziploc baggie and put them in the freezer until I would need them, at that time i took them out 24hrs in advance and let them come to room temp. By doing this, I only had to cook that one time.

I hope these notes will help you as much as they have me and I will see you in class.

"The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Cake Craftier Chef Eric's Wilton 2012 Class Schedule

The Cake Craftier Chef Eric's
2012 Class Schedule
 Always check schedule for updates, monthly promotion, discounts, etc.
 Project Classes: The Cake Craftier, Chef Eric is hosting special classes,
Cake Pops
Tall Cakes
And more
You may call Chef Eric and inquire as to what special project classes
will be running for that week or month
or you may inquire about scheduling a class with him.

C-1=10am-12pm or 5pm-7pm
C2=12pm-2pm or7pm-9pm
C-3=10am-12pm or 5pm-7pm
C-4=12pm-2pm or 7pm-9pm
C-1=10am-12pm or 5pm-7pm
C2=12pm-2pm or7pm-9pm
C-3=10am-12pm or 5pm-7pm
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C2=12pm-2pm or7pm-9pm
C-3=10am-12pm or 5pm-7pm
C-4=12pm-2pm or 7pm-9pm
Wilton classes are the foundation of cake decorating and is the best way to start.
For another level of education in cake decorating please click link
Follow E W Cake Designs &
"The Cake Craftier" Chef Eric
On twitter: @thecakecraftier
YouTube: The Cake Craftier
Facebook:  E W Cake Designs
this site sponsored by E W Cake Designs